Selasa, 03 April 2012

if I fall in love

Ya Allah ....,

If I fell in love ....,

love me to someone who harbors a love for you ...

In order to increase my strength ... to love you ....

Muhaimin .... Yes,

If I fell in love ....,

Let me touch the heart ....
A person whose heart is linked to You ....

in order not to fall in the abyss of love lust me ...

Yes Rabbana ...,

If I fell in love ...,

Take care not to turn her heart rather than your heart ..

O Lord of Izzati ....,

If I miss .....,

miss me to someone who miss martyrdom in Your way ...

Ya Allah .....,

If I love your lover ... enjoy,

Do not exceed the enjoyment of pleasure in the beauty commune with god last third of the night ..

Ya Allah ....,

If I fell in love with your boyfriend ....,

Do not let me stumbled and fell in a long journey of human calling to you ...

Oh God ...,

If you kosher I miss lover ....,

Do not let me go beyond the limits ....

So forget I'm in real love and eternal longing only to you. Amin .

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